Twenty Three Thoughts

Samantha Losurdo
4 min readOct 6, 2021


  1. Music is really the shit and helps better than anything in the world. Just remember that when you’re sad, don’t listen to sad music unless you want to stay sad and get even sadder.
  2. The world is messy, and full of messier people who sometimes need help to clean up, but you shouldn’t (and can’t) be a janitor for everyone. And that’s okay; it’s not in your job description to help with every clean up when yours is causing people to slip.
  3. What’s the best medicine? Laughter? Actually, I think the best medicine is good company. Good company that’s real with actual conversations, genuine connections that you feel to your core and laughter, of course.
  4. “If it’s not simple, it’s simply not.” — Thanks Bra-Lady from Smithville.
  5. We never know what’s in store, and there is not a timeline for anything in this world. Stop trying to force yourself to fit in a box and do things timely; there shouldn’t be any boxes and there shouldn’t be any specific time. The second you think you’ve got everything figured out, be ready to get laughed in your face by karma and the universe.
  6. Trust that you can be resilient. (Goes with the “thought” prior to this.) Know that you can’t possibly be ready for literally everything that will happen because you simply have no idea what could go on in any given moment, but trust that you will be able to recover. You’ll get up, dust yourself off, and keep on with that walk because you need to. It’ll all add pep in your step.
  7. This is a boring one, but live in the moment. It’s not easy, that’s for sure. But every so often just remind yourself that time is fleeting therefore, if you’re not happy in the given moment, change it in the next to make sure that you become happy. There’s always going to be a stage of life we want to be in and before we know it, we’ll be there. Stay where you’re at when you’re there.
  8. Feel out every single emotion you have, and don’t expect to know why you feel what you do. Don’t you dare think you need a justification for it either.
  9. Be as open minded as you can be. If you think you know everything, you’re in for a surprise and I’ll take it you don’t like to be challenged or to grow.
  10. Every opportunity that is presented to you is one that has potential to make you grow into a better version of you, and is entirely up to you to decide if you go for it or not. You always have options.
  11. Trust your instincts. That gut feeling you have? It’s there for a reason. Seek it out and learn how to amplify it.
  12. We can’t automatically expect things to be ready to be placed on the shelf as a display piece; the things we endure take time, and there isn’t a limit on how long you need time to get through them. For grief, trauma, hurt, etc, in any capacity.
  13. Push your limits. Test your strengths. Knock down your comfort space, and step outside the box. Learn more about yourself every single day by doing so, even if it’s something small.
  14. Get comfortable with the idea that people won’t like you, agree with you, support you, or believe you. All that matters is that at the end of the day, you do the right thing that aligns with your beliefs, morals and values.
  15. Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, but always in a classic and confident way. (A.K.A. Losurtive — The ability of having a dominant, confident personality in the most elegant, classiest way.)
  16. Expand your knowledge, always, and in whatever way you can. The more knowledge you have in varying fields, the better kind of person and the more well-rounded you will be.
  17. Understand that because you may think one way, doesn’t mean you are automatically right, as “being right” differs from person to person. We each think individually and so your right way could be very different from my right way. Learn to respect that.
  18. Don’t take things so personally as people’s behaviors are often a reflection of their own personal struggles, insecurities, etc…
  19. We’re always going to be in repair, and there’s always going to be something to “fix”. Therefore, instead of focusing on what needs to be fixed, focus on what is solid and strong.
  20. Vulnerability is not something to fear or try to not experience. Being vulnerable is a necessity to grow.
  21. Truthfully, you are sincerely the only version of your person to exist in the world. Ain’t that a damn concept? So what are you going to do with your life to stand out? Whatever your answer is, do it and do it, and do it over again.
  22. There’s a lot of things we leave unsaid because we’re afraid of the consequences and response. We let things eat us alive and procrastinate that anxious feeling while we could be living out whatever we’re meant to live out after being honest and true. Truth is the best thing you can give to a person.
  23. There’s a lot of loss in life, and it really sucks. But the really mind blowing thing is that in order to hurt so bad because of something you no longer have, you must have really loved whatever or whoever it was. “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” Recognize it before it’s gone yet also recognize that nothing is permanent, it’s all temporary as are we.
Wilmington, NC —May 2021. Visiting Bridget with Sabrina



Samantha Losurdo

Freelance writer, editor, and professional reader with an open and curious mind.