The Power of Believing

Samantha Losurdo
4 min readNov 22, 2022


(Thank You @timmuhz)

The power of believing is not only prevalent when it comes to Christmas and Santa Claus. It’s prevalent in every aspect of your life. Truthfully, there is magic behind simply that, and hope. Believing in yourself is where it all stems from. While it may be a “Tale As Old As Time”, or a cliché (if you prefer to be less extra than I), then you know it is true; belief in yourself, your capabilities and that you deserve something, will do far more, and take you further than you ever imagined. I’m not saying your journey through whatever it may be will be easy — hell no. All I’m saying is that it starts with you, and your ability to truly ~feel~ in your hearts of hearts that you are deserving of good. And if for some reason, you feel differently, well then…you may just get that differing opinion, unfortunately.

Whatever you put out, you get back — tenfold. Whatever you believe you deserve, you attract. Refer to The Perks of Being a Wallflower’s “We accept the love we think we deserve” line. This could be based on “unconscious bias” — something that has been learned and now exists in the subconscious. These certain bias’ are the first stopping point, if you will, when something happens before your eyes, passes through your ears, traces beneath your touch, or slithers through your nose. They are what forms the base thoughts, and reactions that you have following that action, all based on prior experiences. Does that make sense? Let’s try it this way : your brain interprets whatever goes through your senses the way that it does simply because of former experiences that have created defined beliefs in your mind. Think visually — every experience you have is labeled as a box, and now everything you experience presently gets placed inside of one of those boxes, based on a checklist of similarities. A massive role in how this all occurs is the Reticular Activating System (RAS) which is where our conscious part of the brain is connected to our subconscious part of the brain. (It’s apparently right above our spinal cord!)

To wrap it all together with a bow, let’s think back on the thought: “whatever you believe you deserve, you attract”. With the idea of what we just learned about “unconscious bias’”, and RAS, your brain is trained to look for specific things (the checklist for the boxes!) based on your experiences. In any example, whatever you believe to be true ((based on experiences)), you will find. If you believe that your job sucks, then every single day you will have a reason (probably multiple) to present when asked why your job sucks. If you believe that you have the best dog in the whole world, every day you will have a reason to support why you have the best damn dog in the world. When you get a new car, you see it all over the road. When you get a new bag, you see it all over social media. It’s your senses filtering through RAS, and those “unconscious bias’” based on our experiences connecting to our consciousness.

So maybe, there is scientific proof behind manifestation. Perhaps the power of believing is far stronger than we ever imagined it to be. Belief in yourself, and what you deserve will play a part in every aspect of your life. For that reason itself amongst others, I’d suggest paying far more attention to self love and worth, as cheesy as it is. It may just wind up doing you some good.

I seriously have missed writing so very much. With my whole being at times, and have struggled desperately with what to write. It’s almost like I’ve had so much that I want to say, that every single thought has been fighting to come to the surface and they’re just bottlenecking at the tips of my fingers. I visualize the thoughts each screaming, “It’s my turn!” Truth be told, they are all itching to come out…TikTok does good help filtering through them though, as it did in this instance (thank you @timmuhz). Coming across a video discussing “unconscious bias” and RAS, inherently planting (and watering) the seed in my brain to research, research, research and then, projectile vomiting my interpretation to share, all was not initially a part of my Monday night routine. But that happens sometimes…fingers crossed it continues to.



Samantha Losurdo

Freelance writer, editor, and professional reader with an open and curious mind.